Ostap Written by Ostap

3 Things to Check Before Sending Emails to Your Clients

3-Things_to_check before sending an email to your clients

There are some things that need a double-check. Especially, when it is email marketing. So here are 3 things you should check before clicking the button "Send".

1. Subject Line

From the customer's perspective, the first interaction happens when a customer checks the inbox and keeps an eye on the subject line. In fact, 35% of email recipients open email based on the subject line alone. Impressive, isn’t it? But how much do you spend on writing a subject line? I bet that most of the time it pop-ups in the mind only when it gets to the clicking the button “Send”. Obviously, it is a bad practice. At that point, email marketers need to make a significant impact on a recipient. Because, if a marketer cannot convert customers at the “Open” stage,  then a final conversion is not going to happen. So what to do?

Tip: Send emails to customers that are familiar with the brand, as well as your email address. Only when they trust the sender, will they rely on the subject line.

Take your time to create an appealing subject line. The message should be clear but also inquisitive for your customers. Create a subject line that will make your email recipient think: "That's interesting. I want to open it and read more".

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2. Soft call-to-actions

Sometimes we think that emails have to do everything: convert, lead to the site and sell. However, the role of email messages is simply to motivate people enough to click them from the email onto the landing page of the e-commerce site. In order to increase a conversion rate, marketers often overuse call-to-action words. Frequently, they are asking too much, by using something like "Shop now!" or "Buy now!".

Don’t get me wrong. Such call-to-action words are very successful at e-commerce sites, where people explore products or when they have a need. At that point, they are more likely to purchase. A conversion happens on the e-commerce site. It doesn't happen in the email and that is where we go wrong.

Tip: Make sure that you do not force your customer to “DO SOMETHING NOW”! Create an email that is more like "Explore this opportunity".

3. Proper email closings

Usually, email closings consist of 2 elements: professional closing remark and contact information. However, a lot of us are missing opportunity to extract a maximum out of it, creating plain text. Do not overlook the opportunities that email signature can give to you. In some cases, it can be as influential as whole content of the email you send.

Tip: Still using a plain text? Create a memorable and brand consistent signature that will represent you or your company.

Need a help in creating professional email signature? Contact us.


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Marketing Manager at Newoldstamp

Ostap is a strong marketing professional with 3+ years of experience in the software industry. Skilled in Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing, SMM, Content marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Google Analytics and Google Adwords.

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