Newoldstamp Scholarship Program for College and University Students

Participate in the competition and get $500

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Newoldstamp Scholarship Program for College and University Students

Why are we offering the scholarship?

Newoldstamp was created and bootstrapped by Vol Zastavnyy, the solo founder with marketing experience and no tech background. Even making an MVP was not an easy task. But irresistible desire to create and develop a new tool for marketers helped to overcome all the obstacles.

Having no investment forced the Newoldstamp team to think out of the box to get the first users and show traction. We used alternative and free marketing channels to let people know about our solution.

Our goal with this program is to inspire young marketers and make them believe in themselves. The sky is the limit to your creativity. You can find a way out and grow any company you join without huge budgets.

About the program:

About the program

It is an educational grant for college and university students from the USA, Canada, Australia, and Europe. If you study Marketing and want to let out your creativity, join us!

Write an essay that will reveal new Marketing techniques and channels that don't require huge budgets (e.g., PPC) and are not described in your books :)

Fill in the application form and attach the Google Doc file with the essay on the topic: Creative Marketing Channels to Get Your First Users.

The most interesting case will be granted a monetary prize, and their work will be featured on our company blog.

: Scholarship amount: $500

Submission deadline: December 31, 2022, 11:59 pm

About the program

You can apply if:

  • You're an undergraduate or graduate student
  • You're a Marketing Department student
  • You have a minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (use the GPA calculator)

How to apply:

We know you can do it!

Apply Now

How will the application be reviewed

How will the application be reviewed

Our scholarship will be granted to the most proactive college or university student based on the careful review of each application. Newoldstamp Management team members will select the most creative person who offered the best ideas and disruptive marketing channels.

How will the application be reviewed

About Newoldstamp:

About Newoldstamp

Newoldstamp is a SaaS solution that helps marketers create and manage company email signatures from one place and use them as a marketing channel. It was founded in 2015 in Ukraine. Currently, we've helped more than 8 000 professionals manage company email signatures and supported creating of over 1 500 000 signatures for individuals.

About Newoldstamp