HubSpot Email Signature Generator

Create a powerful email signature to increase reply rate of your HubSpot email campaigns. Promote your company using Newoldstamp email signatures marketing.

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HubSpot Email Signature Generator
  • Professional designs
  • Unlimited customization
  • Banner campaigns

Trusted by over 8 000 businesses

High Performer EMEA Highest User Adoption High Performer Spring Users Love Us Best Est. ROI Easiest To Use High Performer Europe Users Love Us

Power up your email communications with targeted banner campaigns in your signature.

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Why choose our email signatures for HubSpot

Consistent signatures across all teams

Consistent signatures across all teams

Create any number of signatures based on your corporate design without duplicating each signature individually. Use one consistent email signature template with different promotional banners and call-to-actions for your marketing, sales, and customer service teams.

Consistent signatures across all teams

Advance template customization

Advance template customization

Customize all templates according to your brand identity. You can crop all images, select your own color and font size, change the order of fields, or add new ones for additional email addresses. Enhance your HubSpot email signature with different apps, such as social media, call-to-action, and marketplaces’ buttons.

Advance template customization

Social icons and buttons

Social icons and buttons

Gain more followers and increase your social engagement by using social icons and buttons. Add colorful icons and buttons instead of simple links to start attracting leads to your social media profiles. At Newoldstamp, we have over 200 icons of social platforms, and you can find the one you need.

Social icons and buttons

Signature banner campaigns

Signature banner campaigns

Start using HubSpot email signatures as a new marketing channel. Use banners or call-to-action buttons in your signature to promote special offers and generate leads from emails. Schedule your banner campaigns for specific dates in a couple of clicks.

Signature banner campaigns

Email signature analytics

Email signature analytics

Measure your email signature and banner campaign performances using Newoldstamp analytics. Track impressions and clicks on all your links, banners, call to action buttons to improve your email marketing strategy.

Email signature analytics

Absolute compatibility

Absolute compatibility

All email templates are tested to ensure correct display on all major email clients such as Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, and others. Moreover, your HubSpot email signatures will perfectly work on any mobile devices too.

Absolute compatibility

Start Using Newoldstamp to Boost Your Marketing Email Campaigns in HubSpot

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to add an email signature in HubSpot?

  1. Create an email signature using Newoldstamp email signature generator. Then, copy your signature HTML code.
  2. Go to your HubSpot account, in the top right corner find and click on Profile & Preferences.
  3. Next, in the Profile Preferences, scroll down to find the signature section, then click Edit signature.
  4. Choose the HTML signature editor and paste it into the box.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Congratulations! Your email signature is now installed to HubSpot.

How can I edit my HubSpot email signature?

You can edit your signature in the HubSpot signature section. In case you don’t have one, you can create a professional email signature using Newoldstamp generator.

How to add email signatures for conversations inbox in HubSpot?

To add signature into shared team email conversations inbox follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Conversation Inbox settings, and click Edit on the email account you want to add an email signature for.
  2. Scroll down and find Team Signature, then click Add team signature button or just edit the old one.
  3. Select HTML signature editor and paste your code into the box.
  4. Then, check the signature preview and click Save.
  5. Awesome, now your signature will appear in the contact's conversations inbox.

How to use a personalized signature in HubSpot marketing emails?

Create email signatures using Newoldstamp and install them in HubSpot. Then, use Signature personalization token to display them in specific marketing emails:

  1. Go to the Marketing section and click Email.
  2. Click into the body of your specific email. Find a place to insert the signature token (ex: the end of the email) and put your cursor there. Then, in the upper editing toolbar, click Personalize.
  3. After, choose the Token dropdown menu and search there for the Contact owner option. Then select it.
  4. Next, In the User property dropdown menu, find and choose Signature.
  5. Then, click Insert.