Professional Email Signature for Financial Services

Centrally manage company-wide email signatures. Create and automatically deploy consistent and compliant email signatures for your team. Promote your services with every email sent.

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Professional Email Signature for Financial Services Companies

Effortless Email Signature Management for Financial Services Companies

Boosted efficiency with automations

Save time with Newoldstamp automations

Design a unified company-wide email signature for your employees and push all changes from our dashboard directly to their email client settings. Save time by freeing yourself from this typically time-consuming task.

Save time with Newoldstamp automations

Automated integration with Microsoft Office 365 & Google Workspace

Automated integration with Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace

Automatically sync data from Active Directory or Google Workspace Directory to create signatures based on an on-brand, pre-designed template.

Automated integration with Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace

Make data-driven decisions with built-in analytics

Measure the efficiency of your email signature marketing campaigns with built-in analytics

Measure the efficiency of your email signature marketing campaigns. Track the number of impressions, clicks, and call-to-action effectiveness in real-time.

Measure the efficiency of your email signature marketing campaigns with built-in analytics

Make email signature management more effective with Newoldstamp advanced features

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Grow Your Financial Services Company with Professional Email Signatures

Banners in your email signature allow you to send highly targeted promotional messages and stand out in crowded inboxes.

Generate more high-quality leads

Use CTAs in email signatures to generate leads and close more deals

Boost your brand awareness and get more leads by using a professional email signature as a part of your sales strategy. Add call-to-action buttons for scheduling a meeting to business email signatures of your sales managers to drive prospects and eventually close more deals.

Use CTAs in email signatures to generate leads and close more deals

Promote your offers & services

Use professional email signatures to promote your services and offers

Don't miss a chance to let your clients know about future discounts, free consultations, and other offerings you have. Add promotional banners, compelling CTAs, individual icons, and app links into email signatures to promote your services in a unique way.

Use professional email signatures to promote your services and offers

Build trust

Build more trust and increase credibility with email signatures

Share companies' associations, accreditations, certifications, and awards in business email signatures to establish your authority in your field and accelerate the sales process. Real customer quotes together with a link to more reviews in email signatures can increase your customers’ loyalty.

Build more trust and increase credibility with email signatures

See what Newoldstamp can do for your brand needs

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What our customers say about us

User Ratings


User-friendly interface

Market Average: 8.8


Support quality

Market Average: 9.1


Simple set up process

Market Average: 8.6

Data supplied as of 12/08/2024

Rating stars icon
Captera logo

587 reviews

Score 4.6

G2 logo

422 reviews

Score 4.7

Trustpilot logo

9 reviews

Score 4.3

Product Hunt logo

12 reviews

Score 4.8

Jessica Beliveau

Jessica Beliveau

Head of Internal Communications at Leger

Newoldstamp is a great tool that both our Marketing and Internal Communications teams use weekly to update our employees’ signatures. Whenever we want to upgrade our account, we just need to chat with a representative who will helps us very quickly. Therefore a great partner that we recommend to anyone who needs a user-friendly platform with a quick customer service!

Be more like Jessica. Get Started

Annie Beckius

Annie Beckius

Marketing and PR Coordinator at Smith Group / Coldwell Banker

I signed up for ‘trials’ with several of the main sites, finally choosing NEWOLDSTAMP and I haven’t had a second thought about it since. Their website is incredibly easy to use, their prices really cannot be beaten, but the customer service is what truly sets them apart from the rest of the competition.

Be more like Annie. Get Started

Choose a better solution for your financial firm

Design and deploy branded company-wide email signatures in minutes with Newoldstamp. Help your team to improve communication with prospects and customers.

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