Attorney & Lawyer Email Signature

Create and manage branded and compliant email signatures for all the attorneys in your law firm

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Law Firm Email Signature

How the email signature generator works:

  • Fill in your information
  • Add a photo or company logo
  • Update the color and fonts according to your requirements
  • Choose an email signature template from our gallery
  • Upload your banner or choose from the gallery
  • Install the email signature

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Why choose our email signatures for lawyers?

Assure brand compliant signature templates

Be sure that all legal professionals and partners use brand-consistent email signatures. Standardized email signatures demonstrate to every email message recipient the credibility of your company, increase brand awareness and make a positive first impression of your lawyers.

Save time and money

Do you feel that creating a professional email signature is a time-consuming and overly complicated process because of so many people being involved? Set up the HTML signatures according to the branding guidelines all by yourself using our email signature builder with live preview. No design or coding skills are required. Plenty of ready-to-use customizable templates to turn lawyer’s email footers into a marketing weapon.

Cost-efficient marketing channel

How many emails do your employees send every month? Thousands upon thousands! Turn space under the email signature for attorneys into compelling marketing campaigns with Newoldstamp.

Why Choose Our Email Signatures for Lawyers?

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Newoldstamp Email Signature Software Advantages and Features

Advanced email signature generator

Advanced email signature generator

Enjoy more than 25 professional email signature design templates for law firms that can be customized to meet branding requirements. Set up colors, classic font style, and size. Choose the shape and colors of social media icons. Fine-tune images to fit your attorney’s email signature size and overall design.

Advanced email signature generator

Add and control legal and IRS disclaimers

Add and control legal and IRS disclaimers

Append IRS specific lawyer email signature disclaimers to meet all legal requirements when sending wealth management-related emails. You can also add a standard, or customized, non-disclosure email disclaimer using our email signature generator .

Add and control legal and IRS disclaimers

Email signature central management

Email signature central management

Manage email signatures in one place. Create only one master signature that will be used as default to add employees' email signatures. Upload file with contact information and our system will create hundreds of signatures in minutes based on master signature design.

Email signature central management

Segment email signatures

Segment email signatures

Create several branded and professional email signature templates for lawyers with different certification levels and different departments or regions. Segmented and personalized email signatures drive more effective and professional email communication with clients.

Segment email signatures

Simple signature deployment

Simple signature deployment

Share the ready signature directly from the dashboard or send it to your team as a link to the email signature generator. It will have a pre-designed layout to fill in employees’ personal information. Block optional fields to adhere to branding requirements. There is no need to ask your IT department for assistance.

Simple signature deployment

Email signature marketing

Email signature marketing

Use professional email signatures as a marketing tool. Help your employees achieve their business goals by setting up the relevant call-to-action or social media icons at the end of each email. Run signature banner campaigns based on the type of law services, department, office, and/or location using the Google Maps icon.

Email signature marketing

Make your email signature cross-platform and mobile friendly

Make your email signature cross-platform and mobile friendly

Be sure that every signature sent looks professional and consistent in every email client and email service provider. We support major email clients and email service providers: Gmail, Apple Mail (Mac and iOS Mail), Outlook (Desktop and Mobile), Thunderbird, SendGrid, MailChimp, and more.

Make your email signature cross-platform and mobile friendly

Calendar integration

Calendar integration

Adding your phone numbers or office address is not the only way to meet with you. Simplify the process of setting up a meeting with you. Add your scheduling page link to the email signature to avoid back and forth switching when choosing the best time for you and your customer.

Calendar integration

Create an attorney email signature in minutes

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Examples of Email Signatures for Attorneys

attorney email signature
attorney email signature example
email signature examples
lawyer email signature sample
email signature examples
attorney email signature

Email Signature Best Practices for Lawyers

Add your photo

Adding a photo to your lawyer's email signature design increases the overall trust and response rate by up to 20%. If you are a lawyer and business owner, the photo will positively impact a personal brand. Using a light background, bright colors, and your perfect smile will skyrocket email engagement. Make sure you use a professional image. Best if it is the same you use in your professional Social networks.

Full title

Add your full name and full title to specify the type of law practice as well as the level of the certification even if it's an attorney’s personal email signature. These details will help your lawyers show the level of professionalism in the eyes of customers, especially when making a positive impression.

Use the law firm’s brands

Use your company logo and company name in the email signature to get more brand exposure and professional appearance. If your company has a perfect reputation, add links to the company’s social pages, it will also help your attorneys establish better relations with customers.

Contact information

Turn your email signature into a digital business card with ways to contact you. Add essential contact details: landline number and office address. It is also preferable to better show you’re a well-established firm.

Include your email address

Add your business email address to help get in touch and not get lost in forwarded email threads. It will help your contacts stay connected and provide additional opportunities, crucial for small businesses, to be reached by new clients. Use a professional email domain.

Email signature banner

Use the space under the contact details for self-promotion. Add an email signature banner with a link to your recent success story demonstrating your professional service. Share company news or upcoming events, or showcase the awards you've received. You can also even share your favorite inspirational quote with the banner.


Turn your professional lawyer email signature into an actionable productivity tool by adding actionable CTA or social media buttons. Let your clients book a meeting with you in one click, request a free consultation, or connect on social media accounts.

Create professional email signatures for lawyers

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Attorney Email Signature Examples:

attorney email signature example
attorney email signature
lawyer email signature sample
email signature examples
attorney email signature
email signature examples