Nick Written by Nick

List of the Best Ideas to Get Awesome Reviews for Your Business

1. Why it's important to get reviews from customers
2. Try gamification and rewards
3. Top ideas to get out reviews for your company
4. Where is the best place to collect reviews
5. 8 awesome tips to get more reviews

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We all probably know that customer reviews can do a great job for the business. Therefore, we can often see them on landing pages, websites, social networks, review platforms, and even in articles. But how does one collect reviews that will bring a long line of loyal customers?

Learn how to collect reviews

A bad product that doesn’t meet the buyer’s expectations will bring tons of negative words towards your business. Customers will run like rats fleeing a sinking ship. To avoid this scenario, you should, of course, create a quality product. We are sure you did! Once you’ve got some sales, start collecting feedback and consistently utilize it to attract more and more buyers.

Why it's important to get reviews from customers

Lots of purchases are made online these days. When deciding whether to buy a product or not, people usually research sellers and look for reviews. So, it’s always good to have many testimonials in various places so that they can do the selling for you. If you are still not convinced that you need to collect feedback, let’s take a look at the stats. According to Testimonial Engine, 72% of customers don't take action until they have read reviews. Spiegel Research Center says that showing reviews from customers can increase conversion rates by 270%! Ready to begin?

Product reviews impact your conversions

source: spiegel

Related article: “How to Develop a Customer Review Strategy and Use It as an Integrated Part of Your Marketing and Sales.”

Try gamification and rewards

Consider using the basic mechanics of a game and rewards to encourage users to write a review (no matter if it would be a good or bad one). You can use anything like coupons, discounts, and other things like a trial.

Top ideas to get out reviews for your company

Just ask your clients

One of the easiest ways to get feedback is to ask. For example, if you are on the phone with a satisfied customer, ask them to write a review. It’s that easy!

Use social media

You probably created profiles for your business on major social media platforms. And that is, of course, good. Now you can leverage these profiles to get more reviews for your business. We recommend you to start by finding out which social media is bringing you the most traffic. You can use Google Analytics to check your stats. Keep in mind that based on the experience of businesses across all industries, Facebook is usually the most relevant for customers when they are looking for reviews on social media.

  • Post on social media

When posting on social media, include a link to a product’s review form or website with a call to action and ask your followers for review.

Ask people to leave reviews in your social media pages

  • Increase social engagement

Build a strong community on networks and leave a link to the review page there.

Run email campaigns

You probably have a large customer email base. Why not use it to get reviews? Just add a simple message with a review request link in your newsletter too.

Read: “How To Increase Email Engagement: the Most Powerful Tips and Awesome Tactics.”

Use your website

Include a call to action on your website offering the readers to review your business or product on Facebook/Google/Yelp/etc. This is an excellent way to ask for feedback because it’s not annoying.

  • Add website review widgets

Embed small widgets that ask clients to leave a review. Also, by adding such widgets, you can give your customers an option to see all your reviews in one place.

  • Create your testimonials/reviews page

Display your reviews and testimonials on a separate website page. Your potential customers can see that other people are enjoying your product. You can encourage them to leave their own reviews on your website too.

Create a custom review page

Find local bloggers and vloggers

Customers usually read reviews and ask friends for a recommendation when they are deciding whether to buy or not to buy something. Today,  users trust social media influencers nearly as much as their friends and family. So, search for such people and offer to test your product in exchange for a review.

Use SM advertising or PPC campaigns

It is a paid way to involve clients to leave a review. If your budget allows you, try it.

Add a CTA to your email signatures

We know you want more options on how to get reviews from customers. And we have some. Create a professional email signature for all employees who communicate with customers. It may contain a call to action and/or banner asking the recipient to leave a review. You only create it once, and it does the work for you each time your staff sends emails.

Add review CTA to your email signature

created with Newoldstamp

You might also like: “The Most Effective Ways to Structure Your Email Signatures to Kickass Your Business Communication.”

Where is the best place to collect reviews

Where to get product reviews?

1. Social media platforms

  • Facebook reviews

As we mentioned before, Facebook belongs to one of the most relevant places to get customer reviews for most businesses.

  • LinkedIn Recommendations

Note that LinkedIn recommendations are only available to individuals. However, this as a perfect place for freelancers who offer some services to get great recommendations and glowing reviews. But if you own a company with many employees, you can still encourage them to be active on this platform and ask for recommendations. If someone would research your business on LinkedIn, they will see that you have awesome employees. You can also try to incorporate these reviews to your testimonials page on your website.

  • YouTube video reviews

Encourage your customers to record a video where they talk about your products or services. You can ask them to do that by themselves, and then you just create a playlist with customer testimonials. Or you can also film reviews of your office/store visitors or fellow attendees at conferences.

Ask bloggers to review your products on YouTube

source: youtube

2. Review platforms

There are dozens of customer review platforms. But no worries, you don’t need to be listed on all of them. Check where your major competitors have their products or services reviewed and list your business there. Here are some popular review platforms:

  • G2crowd
  • Capterra
  • Trustpilot
  • FinancesOnline
  • Bazaarvoice
  • Google My Business
  • Trustspot
  • YotPo
  • Yelp
  • Angie's List

3. Local search directories

If you have a local business, use sites like Google Business Profiles, Yahoo Local Business, Qype, Amazon, Brownbook, and MerchantCircle to get reviews about your business.

4. Niche review sites

Depending on the field you are in, you must choose the right sites. For example, Tripadvisor is perfect for travel services. Cnet works best for electronics products. Marketing software tools are usually listed on G2crowd.

5. Your website

Don’t forget to create a page where everyone could leave a review of your business.

Let people leave reviews on your website

source: society6

8 awesome tips to get more reviews

Educate your customers on how to leave a review

Sometimes, people just don’t know how to leave feedback. If you provide them a quick instruction, they are more likely to spare a few minutes to write kind words about their favorite brand (YOU!).

Try to respond to all reviews (negative too)

Negative reviews aren’t that bad as one might feel first. They can help you improve faster.

Don’t buy reviews

Your customers aren’t stupid. They will easily smell fake reviews. Make some effort to get the real ones. And hopefully, our article will help you to do so.

Don't forget to follow up

Don’t be shy and remind your clients to write a review. You are not missing anything if you ask.

Make collecting reviews your daily routine

Integrate this process/strategy into your sales and support team routine to get feedback regularly.

Ask at the right time

Ask people for feedback after positive moments along the customer journey. For example, when they re-purchase or tag your brand in a post on social media.

Make it simple

If you use your own power to collect reviews without additional services, try to keep everything clear and simple.

Put your customer review generation on autopilot 

If you are a small or local business rely heavily on customer reviews for new users acquisition, we recommend automating the review collection process. If you are short on time, you can look at different review generation software to help you out with this. 


Lots of purchases are made online these days. When deciding whether to buy a product or not, people usually research sellers and look for reviews. That is why you need to get a fair amount of awesome reviews for your business. Here are some basics to conclude what we discussed in this article:

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for a review but be sure to do it at the right time;
  • Create a separate page for reviews on your website;
  • Be active on social media and encourage people to write reviews;
  • Include a link to leave feedback in your newsletters;
  • Leverage email signatures to get even more reviews with little effort;
  • List your business on review platforms like Capterra, Yelp, etc.;
  • Get paid reviews (do not confuse with fake reviews).

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Content Marketer at Newoldstamp

Nick is a passionate content marketer and writer at Newoldstamp with over 5 years of experience. He specializes in creating top-notch digital content that boosts sales and marketing. Nick uses a combination of social media, SEO techniques, and pure creativity to promote his content and reach a wider audience.

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