Larry Written by Larry

How to Write an Appointment Request Letter to a Client

When you make a request or give an invitation, your word choice can make the difference between getting and not getting what you want. Today you’ll learn how to ask for a meeting by mail or email and get “yes.”

1. What is an appointment request letter?
2. When and why should you write an appointment request letter?
3. What should your appointment request letter include?
4. How to format an official appointment request letter
5. Tips to write a good appointment request letter
6. How to write an appointment request letter for multiple people
7. How to write an appointment request email
8. Mistakes to avoid in an appointment letter

Useful tools:
1. Newoldstamp - Email signature marketing
2. Mailchimp - Email builder and sender
3. - Personal email outreach, calls, and tasks
4. RocketLink - Your branded short linker
5. Canva and Instasize - Online tools for making designs and editing images

What is an appointment request letter?

It is a formal letter people write to ask an individual or a group of individuals to meet with them. They may need to arrange meetings with a manager, supervisor, client, or business partner.


When and why should you write an appointment request letter?

An appointment request email is typically written to get people to meet with you to discuss a business opportunity or other important issues.

What should your appointment request letter include?

  • Reason for the meeting

Whether you already know a client, or it's your first email to him/her, you should include a reason after the salutation.

“We talked with you on the phone yesterday and agreed to supply shampoo to your salon”;

“We’d like to offer you our hair care products, because…”

  • Place

Even if you are sure that the client knows the address of your office and you are going to hold this meeting in the same place, make sure you state where the meeting will be held.

“If this sounds interesting to you, we can meet on July 20, at 11 am in our office (address) and discuss our further cooperation.”

  • Suggested dates and time

Indicate the date and time of the appointment.

“Does Monday, July 20 at 11 works for you? Alternatively, we are available Monday, July 20 at 4 pm or Tuesday, July 21 at 10 am.”

  • Lenght og the meeting

Tell a recipient how long the meeting will take. This demonstrates that you are sensitive to his/her time and want to make it easy for him/her to plan the day.

“Are you available for a 15-minute meeting on May 12, at 9:30 am in our office”;

“We ask for 20 minutes of your time for a brief presentation.”

  • How your client will benefit from the appointment

When writing an appointment request letter to a client, help him/her understand the benefits.

“We have performed comprehensive research on your company, and we believe we have a mutually beneficial business offer for you.”;

“Would you be interested in a 15-minute phone conversation to see how much we can cut your expenses?”

  • Request a follow-up after the meeting

To continue to build trust and move your relationship with clients along, you need to keep in touch with them.

“We will get back to you in a few days to answer all the questions you may have and to possibly arrange another short appointment.”

How to format an official appointment request letter

Writing an efficient, polished request letter for an appointment with a client can be an easy-to-follow task when you adhere to some common rules. So what does a good appointment letter look like? What should you add to make it shine?

1. Use a branded blank

A branded blank shows the recipient that your company is established and professional. It inspires more trust than a letter/an email from a faceless company.

2. Add the sender's information

This information indicates who the letter is coming from (e.g., Mike Bradshaw, ABC company). Type your name and address in the top right-hand corner of the page. If you request the meeting via email, you can skip this part. To ensure the recipient will potentially open your email, answer yourself the question: “Which company would you prefer to reply back? The one who contacts you from or the one who uses a non-branded email address like”

3. Date

It is important to put the date on the letterhead, especially when you request a response. You can also skip this part if you send an email, not a physical letter.

4. On-arrival notice

If the letter is personal, you can indicate that by writing “PERSONAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL.” Type in all uppercase.

5. Use proper fonts

What are the most appropriate fonts and font sizes to use for an appointment letter? Keep in mind that your message should be easy to read and clear. Give preference to the fonts that are large enough so that the recipient doesn't have to squint or zoom in to read your letter. Do not select too big font size because it can make your message too long. Ideally, your text should fit well on a single page. Recommended fonts are Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, Cambria, Calibri, and Courier New.  Select a 14- or 16-point font size for headings and a 10- or 12-point font size for the entire letter. Avoid writing in all capital letters. This can make your message hard to read and may sound impolite.


6. Format your text in blocks

When writing a business letter, it is preferable to align the entire text to the left and use single-spaced lines. Use double space between paragraphs.

7. Add a signature


Email is considered to be one of the official channels for business communication. Even if you've prepared your appointment request letter on the official blank, consider sending it by email and attaching the document.

Avoid closing your appointment request letter/email with a simple “Dennis Kraft, ABC company,” “Kind regards,” and “Sincerely.” Instead, choose a more professional ending such as an email signature. A nicely designed signature will make your email more personal and highlight your expertise. Your signature should contain your name, position, and contact information. You can also add an additional call-to-action with the link to accept your invitation.  Check these examples of the ideal professional email signatures.

email signature generator

Tips to write a good appointment request letter

  • Research information about your client

When it comes to writing an appointment request letter to a client, it is crucial to know who you are writing to. So before you begin an engagement, try to answer the following questions: “What's your prospect’s business or industry?”, “What things people in this industry are struggling with?”, “What is your client talking about on social media?”, etc.

  • Clearly state the reason for writing the request letter

When writing a request letter for an appointment with a client, explain why you are requesting this meeting. Do not speak too much about what you want. Instead, concentrate on the recipient and highlight the benefits he/she can get from the conversation with you.

  • Keep it short

Your letter should be brief and to the point. In case you don't know this client yet and would like to schedule the first meeting with him/her to introduce your product or services, do not try to give all the details in the first letter. Give the benefit and find out if he/she is interested. If you get "yes" for an answer, provide more details.

  • Use short sentences

Write short and easy-to-read sentences, no longer than 25-30 words. Avoid using slang and too many terminologies.

  • Use verbs as a hidden CTA (call to action)

Always include a request for action in your letter. “To get answers to your questions, please…”, “Let’s schedule a quick 5-10 minute call to discuss [add the customer's pain point here].”

  • Be friendly but remain professional

Think who you are more likely to listen to, a university lecturer giving a boring speech or a media person who is animatedly telling a story? We guess you’d choose to listen to the person who talks more conversationally. In business writing, you shouldn't be overly formal. Try to keep your tone conversational yet professional. Now let's compare these two examples. Which one do you like best?

“Your email will be answered within 1-3 business days.”

“I’ll answer your email within 1-3 days.”

The second sentence sounds more informal and personal. Also, remember that a good conversation includes questions. They can make your recipient feel like you’re having a conversation with him/her.

  • Add your contact information

It is crucial to provide your connections with an option to answer you back. Of course, you can write something like: “If you have any questions, please contact me at [add your telephone number] or email me at [add your email address].” But your email will look more professional if you choose to add an email signature with your contact information, social media links, and even your photo.


  • Double-check your grammar

A proper request letter for a meeting appointment with a client requires not only an appropriate tone but also strong grammar. No doubt, the safest way to achieve perfect grammar in your business correspondence is to learn all the rules and practice them regularly. Besides, you may need to use grammar-checking tools like Grammarly, Ginger, White Smoke, and others. They will highlight your mistakes and suggest corrections.

  • Attach useful documents

You may want to add a brochure, samples, etc. to your letter/email. Don't forget to mention these attachments. While the word “attached” is appropriate for emails, “enclosed” is used for physical mails. However, phrases like “Please find attached” and “Please find enclosed” may sound stuffy and old-fashioned. Are there any alternatives? Yes!

Phrases below sound more natural and informal, aren't they?

“I have attached a company brochure for you.”

“Please have a look at the attached sketches.”

“Please refer to the enclosed report for more details.”

How to write an appointment request letter for multiple people

When you want to address a business email or letter to multiple recipients, consider their relationships. If the recipients know each other, you can address them alphabetically by their last names (if there are less than three people). Be sure to include the names of all individuals in the recipient’s address section and to the salutation line. First, write the name and address of the first individual. On the next line, add the street address, city, state, etc. Below add the name and address of the second individual.


If you send the appointment request letter to a married couple or multiple recipients who work in the same organization, put both (all) of their names on the first line, then write the address. When your recipients are located in different places or don’t know each other, you can write separate letters to each of them adding the traditional "carbon copy" notation (CC) at the bottom of your letter.  

When speaking of emails, insert the names of each person you are addressing in the “To” field (if they know each other). Don't use the CC field if you have no intention to prioritize any person. All of your invitees should be equal. Consider using email automation services if necessary.

How to write an appointment request email

It's always an excellent idea to look at examples before writing an appointment requesting a letter to a client. Below is a sample request email to ask for an appointment.


Subject: Meeting: ABC software custom features review

Dear Dr. Martin,

I am a business development manager for the ABC company. Our CEO Mr. Koch met you at the RSNA conference in Chicago last December. As we agreed, our team prepared a special version of our software for your clinic. Would it be possible for you to meet with Mr. Koch and me in our office for about 30 minutes sometime between March 21-25?

Also, please have a look at the attached report. Does it suit your requirements now?

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

[Add a professional email signature with your contact data here]

As we can see from the example, our letter asking for an appointment with a client has:

  • A relevant subject line that introduces the topic
  • A polite opening (e.g., “Dear Dr. Martin”)
  • A clear reason for the meeting and a benefit (“We prepared the software version you asked for.”)
  • Suggested date plus an option for the client to offer any convenient time
  • Estimated duration of the meeting
  • A report that demonstrates improvements important for the client
  • A polite closing (“We are looking forward to hearing from you.”)
  • A professional email signature

Mistakes to avoid in an appointment letter

People often make some mistakes when writing their appointment request letters. Here are some DON’Ts that you should avoid:

  • Do not write too much. Remember that your letter/email shouldn't exceed one page in length.
  • Do not misspell recipients' names. That goes without saying that you must double-check if you wrote them correctly.
  • Do not send letters full of misspelled words and typos. This is just unprofessional. Be sure to proofread each letter and email if you want to make a good impression.
  • Do not focus too much on yourself. When writing an appointment request email, it’s crucial to explain WHY a client should devote time to you and what he/she can get from this meeting.
  • Do not offer a very small meeting window. Try to have an entire day or even a few days for a client to choose from.
  • Do not be impatient. Sometimes you may need to get in touch with a client more than one time to get a response. However, be patient and allow at least one business day before you send a follow-up.


Often appointment request letters are the first contact a person makes with a prospect. Hence, it becomes critical to get the tone of the letter right to make a good first impression. It’s equally important to be able to make an appointment with someone who already knows you and get a “yes” for an answer.

To write a successful letter to request an appointment with a client, keep in mind to:

  • Offer value to the invitee
  • Explain the context of the meeting clearly or even include a brief agenda
  • Ask for a particular amount of time (like 15-20 minutes)
  • Make it convenient for the recipient (by offering multiple availabilities in your schedule for the invitees to select from)
  • Show that you truly appreciate the time the recipient is going to take to meet with you.

Contact with me


Product Manager at Newoldstamp

Larry is the guru of email signature management and Product Manager at Newoldstamp. He is responsible for all product updates and new features, and he is passionate about helping businesses use email signatures to boost their sales and marketing efforts.

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