Helga Written by Helga

4th of July. Use Promotional Banner for Greetings

How do you greet people with the Independence Day? If it is your friends or family everything is more or less clear. You can just say “Happy Independence Day” while raising your glass at the festive table and that will do.

But how should you congratulate your clients it you mainly communicate via e-mail? Promotional banner at the end of the e-mail can be a good platform for the congratulating thing. That will not distract your clients from work but still will bring a festive mood to the busy atmosphere. 77.7% of people check email frequently - target them with signature promotions! 

Here you have some examples of the promotional banners dedicated to the holiday of the 4th of July that will make your e-mail more graceful.

On this day Americans usually raise national flags in front of their house so why not to use this symbol in the promotional banner as well?

Email Signature with banner

National symbols never will be out-of-fashion when it comes to the 4th of July. What can be more national but for the map or flag?  These are symbols which are easily correlated with the Independence. Besides, the colors are well-combined and even if your banner slightly resemble the American flag or you just used red, white and blue your banner is still pleasant to look at because of a good color combination.







You may variate the location of stars and stripes of you decided to keep up to the national symbolic…you don’t have to copy a flag. Take care about the general impression. Don’t overload your banner – no illegible prints and difficult shapes.






Don’t like the idea with the flag - that’s fine. Nobody is going to judge you if you add some other symbols of the Holiday – firework, for example. No limitations – just your creativity and your vision.


Add UTM link to your promotional banner so you will see does it attract new visitors or not. You may create several banners and see which is more effective.

Promotional banner is a great space for you to communicate with your customers. It is “small islands” in the “ocean of formal mailing” where you may show that you are also waiting for holidays and you like to have fun too.

email signature banner

buttons download

If you are still hesitating whether you should include a promotional banner or not – try to imagine yourself in your clients’ choose. You are working on a project discussing important issues, you are concentrated and consumed with a task, you read through a formal message and in the end, you see a nice and relaxing greeting. What’s next? Probably you will smile or at least relax for a second and feel a slight anticipation of the Holliday. Is it bad? Good emotions won’t do any worse, right? Let your clients smile, show all your creativity and greet with the 4th of July using a promotional banner.


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CMO at Newoldstamp at Newoldstamp

Helga is a growth marketer with 7+ years of experience. Since 2015 Helga has switched to SaaS market. Prior to joining NEWODLSTAMP she successfully cooperated with several SaaS companies that provide top-notch solutions for marketers.

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