Create an Email Signature for Mailbird

Enhance your Mailbird account with a professional email signature. Install it once and use a Mailbird email signature for all your integrated accounts. No coding, no designing, no time-waste.

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Create an Email Signature for Mailbird
  • Creative editor
  • Outstanding performance
  • Easy integration

How the Email Signature Generator works

How the Email Signature Generator works

Fill in your information. Add a photo or logo. Update the color and fonts according to your requirements. Choose an email signature template from our gallery. Upload your banner or choose from our gallery. Install the signature.

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How the Email Signature Generator works

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Create a professional email signature to turn every mailbird email into a branding message

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Power up your emails with professional email signature

An email signature is a simple but powerful marketing tool. This small block that goes at the end of your email can drastically change your brand awareness, emails click rate, and even bring a huge return on investment. Newoldstamp utilizes the most powerful email signature practices and allows creating professional clickable signatures in minutes.

Familiar simplicity

Familiar simplicity

Newoldstamp is a powerful yet simple email signature generator . Using Mailbird, you are probably used to automation and easy integration of all the software. So, why not make creating an email signature a no-brainer as well?

Familiar simplicity

All-in-one editor

All-in-one editor

Add your personal photo, contact information, company website, social media icons, call-to-action links and banners to your email footer. Use a gallery of templates to make your Mailbird email signature look just as you imagine.

All-in-one editor

Fit for the whole team

Fit for the whole team

Use master signature functionality to unify your corporate Mailbird email signature. Create a signature template and import employees’ data to generate their signatures automatically. Easily send created signatures to all of your coworkers.

Fit for the whole team

Banner gallery

Banner gallery

Newoldstamp has a gallery of ready to use banners. Set up your email signature for Mailbird and add a banner that fits your style. You can also set campaigns that will change your banner automatically on a specific day.

Banner gallery

Powerful analytics

Powerful analytics

Controlling your progress is easier with Mailbird email signatures by Newoldstamp. Track impressions and clicks on your signature links, logo, or banner. It allows observing how efficient your email marketing strategy is.

Powerful analytics

Absolute compatibility

Absolute compatibility

No need to worry about your email signature for Mailbird displaying correctly in other email clients. Newoldstamp takes care of your email looking as meant to, no matter where you send them; both on desktop and mobile.

Absolute compatibility

Try all the features of professional email signature generator by Newoldstamp

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Still have questions? Find more answers here.

How to add and install an email signature to Mailbird?

If you want to add a new email signature to your Newoldstamp account, you’ll have to go to the Dashboard and click ‘Create a Signature.’ After you’re done creating it in the editor, click ‘Save and install’ and follow the instructions to set your email signature for Mailbird.

How can I create an email signature for Mailbird in Newoldstamp?

To create an email signature in Newoldstamp, you can go right to the editor or find ‘Create a Signature’ button in your Dashboard. After editing, click ‘Save and install’ and follow the instructions to use your Mailbird email signature.

Can I add social media icons to Mailbird email signatures?

There is a dedicated field for social media icons in the Newoldstamp email signature editor. It goes right below the ‘Photo or Logo’ section. You can add as many social icons as you like by clicking the ‘Show more’ button. There is a link field for each social media icon too.

What social media icons are available for Mailbird?

Newoldstamp has a gallery of more than 230 social media icons. You can find all of them in the editor’s ‘Social Icons’ section. Notice that we do not advise adding more than five icons to your Mailbird email signature so that it doesn’t look cluttered.

Can I download the HTML file with my signature?

If you want to download your email signature for Mailbird as an HTML file, click ‘Save and install’ in the editor or click ‘Use’ on a signature you need in the Dashboard. Then go to the ‘Other’ tab and click the button ‘Download HTML file.’

I can’t find an email signature HTML file

You can always download your Mailbird email signature from Newoldstamp. Click ‘Save and install’ in the editor or click ‘Use’ on a signature you need in the Dashboard. Then go to the ‘Other’ tab and click the button ‘Download HTML file.’ You can keep your email signature in a generated HTML file to use whenever you need it. If you want to make some changes to the signature, you’ll have to download it once again after changing it in the editor.

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Start Using Newoldstamp to Make Your Mailbird Email Signature Work for You

Mailbird is a powerful communication software that makes email correspondence easy as pie. Newoldstamp follows the same philosophy for email signature marketing.

Using signatures to increase brand awareness and promote your company is 100% beneficial, and Newoldstamp helps you with the most difficult parts. So, you only need a few minutes of your time and a bit of creativity.

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